The Puppington Pod's are balls that can be filled with treats - ideal to motivate and reward your dog at a distance.
The Pods are fabricated with neoprene and treats can be filled inside. The three sides can then be closed and the treatball is ready to use.
With the Puppington-Pods you can deliver food treats even at a distance precisely and easy to see. They are therefore ideal for all trainings where you need to reward your dog at a distance such as Obedience, Hoppers, Agility, Dogdance. etc.
If you have a dog that is normally not very interested in toys this pod can help to create and increase the motivation towards toys as the pods can be directly opened as soon as the dog reaches the toy. As an added bonus experience has shown, that many dogs will actually start to carry or even retrieve the balls as they quickly figure out that we need the ball to be able to refill it :-)